Master Planning

Long Range Planning

Program Planning

Space Planning

Process Development

Policies and Procedures

General Support

Design Services

JBA  1

Comprehensive campus master plans which are programmatically driven through sound planning processes.  These can also be specific to a college, department, or service entity.
Subject specific mini-master plans typically associated with one or two campus concerns.  Examples include precinct plans, parking, circulation, bikeways, open space, revitalization studies, facility audits, utility plans, etc.
Planning for a specific improvement such as new buildings, renovations, infrastructure, equipment, technologies, or site amenities.  Plans are programmatically driven, data supportive, process oriented and are in the best interest of the campus, long term.
Space studies for specific issues, programs, or complete campus evaluations which are continuously representative of the programs needs.  Space management and service strategies, policies, guidelines, and space modeling strengthen our services. 
Help establish new or improved planning processes and operating strategies to improve service.  This may include integrating facilities processes with academic, research, athletic, student life, and outreach processes.
Study and recommend options to improve facilities policies,procedures, planning and design guidelines, or other business issues. Our background as former campus architects, planners, and administrators may provide a unique and useful perspective.
Miscellaneous activities to support campus planning, design, and construction. We can help with grant writing, budget requests, marketing,  third party reviews and recommendations, or whatever your office may need support with.
Traditional architectural design services are also available.  Our registered architects have designed and constructed hundreds of campus facilities over the past 30 years.  
7512 Tamarisk Drive
Fort Collins, CO  80528 
Voice:  970.988.6059